Cookies and Privacy

Henne Strand Camping ApS
Strandvejen 418
6854 Henne
Tel.: +45 75 25 50 79
CVR No.: 16708003


Cookie Policy

Today, cookies are used by almost all websites. In many cases, cookies may be necessary to deliver a service on the website.

A cookie is a small data file that websites store on the user's computer to recognize the computer. Among other things, cookies can be used to compile statistics on users' use of the website.

A cookie is a passive file and cannot collect information from the user's computer, spread computer viruses, or other harmful programs.

Cookies on

Henne Strand Camping ApS uses cookies on to improve the user experience and to investigate how the website is used. The information in the statistics is anonymous and cannot be attributed to named users.

We use the following types of cookies on
• Google Adwords
• Microsoft Bing
• Google Analytics

Google Adwords and Microsoft Bing – Search Engine Advertising

Cookies from Google Adwords and Microsoft Bing enable tracking the effectiveness of the ads shown on Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc., in connection with searches. These ads should preferably be as relevant as possible, and by means of cookies, it can be seen if the user has found the desired page, product, or information.

These cookies will also help tailor searches over time so that the user gets more effective searches.

Cookies from these sources can be used in remarketing campaigns on Google Display Network. Adwords cookies are stored for 30 days.

Google Analytics – User Measurements

Google Analytics collects data about traffic on (1st party cookies), such as which pages and elements the users use the most on the website. The web editorial team uses the statistics from Google Analytics to improve user-friendliness on

Sharing or Displaying Content from Social Media

Our website embeds content from social media such as YouTube and Tripadvisor. These websites may leave cookies, which we cannot control, so-called third-party cookies. Embedded cookies from the following third-party services may leave cookies in your browser. Follow the links to read how these services use cookies:
• YouTube (Google's Privacy Policy)
• Google Maps (Terms of Service for Google Maps)
• Facebook (Facebook's Data Use Policy)
• Instagram (Instagram's Data Policy)
• Tripadvisor (Privacy Policy)

Why Do We Inform About Cookies?

All Danish websites are required to inform about which cookies are set on the user's equipment. The information must comply with the "Executive Order on Information and Consent Required in Case of Storing and Accessing Information in End-User Terminal Equipment."
▻ Link to the Executive Order

Personal Data Policy

When you visit our website, we (Henne Strand Camping ApS) only register personal data to the extent that you have given us this information yourself. For example, by participating in a competition or a survey, or if you have signed up for our newsletter.

Personally identifiable information is never sold or disclosed to third parties unless you have given us your prior consent.

We register personal data to be able to provide our customers and others interested in our company with the best possible service.

We Register the Following Information

Contact information: Name, address, phone number, and email address. The reason we register this information is that we want to be able to send news updates to everyone who expresses interest.

Protection of Personal Information

According to the Personal Data Act, your personal data must be stored securely and confidentially. We store the registered personal data in unencrypted form in databases protected against unauthorized access, and our security measures are continuously monitored to ensure that the information we have registered about you is handled responsibly and with constant consideration of your rights as a user. However, we cannot guarantee 100 percent security during data transmissions over the internet. This means there may be a risk that others may illegally force access to information when data is sent and stored electronically. Thus, you disclose your personal information at your own risk.

We store the registered personal data as long as it is necessary to provide good service to our visitors on If you have requested to receive news and information from Henne Strand Camping ApS by email and SMS, we store your data until you yourself request to be deleted from our database.

The rapid development of the internet means that changes in our privacy policy may become necessary. We, therefore, reserve the right to update and change these guidelines for processing personal data. In the event of significant changes, we will notify you in the form of a visible notice on the website.

You always have the possibility of gaining insight into the data we have registered about you. If it turns out that the information or data we have registered is incorrect or misleading, you have the right to demand that it be corrected, deleted, or blocked. You can, according to the Personal Data Act, at any time object to information about you being subject to processing. You can also withdraw your consent at any time.

Third-Party Content, Websites, Services, etc.

The website can display or contain or make available content from multiple sources, including other users and third parties. We assume no responsibility and are not liable for such content from other users and/or third parties.
On the website, there may be links to other websites and services that we do not control. We are not responsible for such websites or services or your possible interactions with third parties through such websites or services. Your use of them is at your own choice and may be subject to separate terms and conditions.


All copyrights, domain names, trademarks, patents, and other intellectual property rights used or displayed on the website are owned by us and our licensors.

Further Questions

You are welcome to contact us at if you have further questions about cookies or personal data on

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